Sunday, January 9, 2011

We're OFF!!!!!!

Well, the trip is almost here!  We will be leaving Kelowna for Vancouver on Jan. 15th.  Staying in Vancouver for 5 days so Ian can do the 3 T's (Temple to Tycho to Toilet).  Once that is complete we will be starting our most 'excellent adventure'.  We leave Vancouver on Jan. 20th for London and then on to Portugal.  Keep coming back for a visit so you know how the trip is going and be sure to leave us a note on our blog so we know what "wonderful" weather we are missing.  Happy trails to us and looking forward to sharing our 'most excellent adventure' with you.


  1. Good luck on the first leg of your journey. Don't spend too long in Britain it's still a bit chilly! Pam xx

  2. Hi Linda and Ian. Mom and I (Judy) are checking out the blog and wish you "happy trails". Be sure you keep us up to date because we will be checking your blog frequently. Love Craig, Mom, and Judy.

  3. So, are you in Portugal now? How's the weather? Snow this today (Jan 21)but sunny now. All's well on our home front. Looking forward to reading about your adventures. Keep in touch, Judy

  4. Have fun we will be following you every step of the way?


  5. Hi Ian and Linda. Just got a call that your house has been broken into. Not sure other than this on how to contact you. Not sure of the circumstances either. Craig is going to try to get the details. For more info call Cam and Mandy 250 765-0133 (c) 250 575-5722 or Craig 250 765-2511. I'll post again once I get more details.

  6. HI judy,
    justgot your message. Will call tonight. The weather has been awful. Apparently it was 72 to 78 until the day we arrived. today the sun has come out a little although still cold and windy. we are expecting 15 to 16 and some sun by thursday. we are going to the kilt and kelt pub for lunch - it is robbie burns day today. we have had a bit of a time with the jet lag but both feel much better today - nothing a little sun wouldnt fix. talk to you soon. will try to post more often when there is something to say. love to all. Linda and Ian

  7. Hi Linda and Ian. No visable sign of forced entry, no damage to house. Obvious someone went through drawers and cupboards. TV gone, liquor gone,but computer still there. Not sure of other stuff though. Craig will take pictures and we will try to post them. Car was taken and still missing. Do you want us to make arrangements to have the locks changed and light timers put in. No vandalism that could be seen by the RCMP or Craig. You both can still golf as they weren't taken (thank god!!!). Will post again soon.

  8. Hi Ian and Linda, just been catching up and saw the bad news,what can I say? Looks like Judy has everything in hand, Carry on? Go for it, keep all posted,

  9. Hi guys
    Any more news? Is everything ok with your house?
    And what about the adventure - has the weather got any better? Hope you are both fine x x

  10. Hi Linda & Ian:
    Too bad about the house. That's a risk we all take when we travel's worth it! It's just stuff. Post on the blog even if you think you have nothing to say. Family and friends are interested. For those of you who wish to read our blog: Take care and have fun.

  11. Hello from Kelowna:
    Jan. 30th, temp is -4C at 2pm, so no matter what your temperature is it's still warmer than here! I got in touch with BCAA and a file is open and I have all the details so it's waiting for your return. Craig put in 3 light timers so they are now up and running. I called Gord and filled him in, poor guy was just getting over flu/cold. Needless to say, many people are watching and checking the house now. Everyone is well here, talked mom into going to Victoria for 4 days when Craig and Grim go to do daycare, so that will break up her winter a bit. That's all the news for now. Waiting hear more about your trip and what you are doing, so keep in touch.

  12. Hi guys

    Sorry to hear about the hoose

    But try to put it to the back of your minds and get on with the adventure

    Good luck and have fun

  13. Hi Ian and Linda
    I have sent you a couple of emails. I think the last property in particular looks good. Let me know what you think.

  14. Well Vince is now officially an Old Man . We both killed a few Brain Cells celebrating. We did not go skiing yesterday as 17 below at the Hill. Miss You Guys. Hope You are having a Blast.
    Thanks for the help Judy.
    Hello to Pam & Leslie.

  15. Hi Ian and Linda - Sorry to learn about your house situation. Sounds like your family and friends are taking good care of everything. Hope you are having a good trip - relax and enjoy. All is well here. Take care Karen W.

  16. Okay, you guys, you can run but you can't hide, so you might as well give us an update. Where are you? What are you doing? How's the weather now? Did you move closer to Alburferia or somewhere else? How's the food? Aren't the oranges great!

    Okay, now to fill you in on what's going on here. Craig, Grim and mom left on Tues. for Victoria. From what I understand all is going well, mom is flying home on Sun. Feb. 6th and Craig and Grim are there until Feb. 15th. Joe is in Cottonwoods, Cam is putting in deadbolts/ new locks in at your place as it looks like someone may have been in the house again. Rich is going to be spending lots of time at your place some days and nights. I'm going out grocery shopping for him tomorrow. I'll save you the receipts. Cam and Mandy are heading to Vanc. on Sat a.m. to clean out the rest of Joe's stuff. Things are reasonably under control so, forget Kelowna and have a great holiday, and I can't stress enough KEEP US UP TO DATE that's what this blog is for.
    Luv ya both (I know, too mushy for me), Judy.

  17. Hi Ian and Linda, Weather beautiful on protection Island today. Hope you are enjoying the sun. John doesn't even have a current passport so we aren't going anywhere. I'm going to babysit next week for Iain and Sharon are going to Los Vegas. Hope your house is okay. John turned 70 last Saturday. I had a cold and now he has one! Didn't do too much celebrating. John and Heather

  18. This is much better .They say no news is good news but I disagree. It was very busy when We went to The Rock as well but after waiting in line up We did get a Beer & took a tour to the top of the Rock. Great view from up there & lots
    of agressive monkies. Michaelbrook opened for the Super Bowl and Jane won some money. We didnt go but are going tonight for Ribs. We went Skiing this morning was cold but We dressed warmly & the Sun was shining it was GREAT. Vince won a Toaster Oven on the weekend. His team won the B Event.
    Havn't heard from Judy so I'm thinking all is well at Your House. Way to go Richard.
    Enjoy the Warm Weather & the Good Food. Don't forget to get Recipes so You can feed Us.
    Miss You Guys. Love Ya R & V

  19. Hello again. Are you tired of hearing from me yet? Got a call from the RCMP last night, the car still hasn't been found but they would like the serial # of the TV. Do you have it somewhere? If so I'll track it down, if not I'll let them know. Cold in Kelowna today, but the sun was shining. Did you have any monkey's pick your pockets in Gibraltar? Had any Breem yet? I agree the bread and wine is delicious, not too sure about the eel. Hope you had a good dinner. Keep in touch and keep us posted on your adventure.

  20. Now that sounds more like the Holiday's You are uste to. We had Darren,s long promised Dinner last night & My Cast Iron Pot took forever to cook the Scalloped Potatoes so by the time We got to eat everyone was starved. Linda & Marty, Brenda & Basil came and We played Darts, Slow Vok & a new Card game that Darren taught us called Elimination( It was fun and a quick game as well & I won at everything as usual(Not). Darren & Brenda were feeling a bit under the weather so We were in bed by 2A.M. Today is Curling all day on the T.V. so Vince will be Happy. A lot of the Snow has melted making it easier for Our walks. Karen is having a Great Adventure in Japan & is a good Girl & keeps Us up to Date as well. Keep having Fun & enjoy it All.
    xxoo Ruth & Vince

  21. Hi guys
    Are any of you on Skype. I am meeting up with Linda and Ian next week and have Skype on laptop. Let me know and we can ring you - or search me Pamela Bill xx

  22. Good to hear from You again. I have been checking every day.( You better feel Special)
    Sorry to hear about the Weather but if it makes You feel better it is-11 here today so did not go Skiing. Vince still glued to TV watching Curling. WE are doing the Wednesday Night thing with Ken & Clair again this week, We enjoyed it last week and is at the other couples place this week. Pat and I went for a long walk on Monday and then She checked out Our Australia pictures as they are thinking of a holiday there. Hi to Pam & hopefully You get some good weather and do not get run over . Ruth

  23. Hi Pam, Ian & Linda: Yes, it is really cold here. Sure looking forward to spring. Hope your weather gets better soon. Craig & Grim home from doing daycare. They had a real good time with the kids. Gave David and Gord the link to the blog so you may hear from him soon.I will sign in the computer every morning between 6 - 7am our time. Is the time difference 8 hrs? All is okay here. Hoping to have Rich, Cam and family for dinner this Sat. Mom saw your post. She enjoys reading them. Looking forward to seeing your pictures. Keep in touch and hope your weather gets better soon. Judy
