Saturday, November 2, 2013

Last day in Auckland

Well, it is our last day in Auckland and it has been a good day. The wind has been howling but the sun is shining and the temperature is quite warm. We have spent the better part of the day driving into west Auckland where Ian tried to find his rich relative. Turns out they are not as rich as we had imagined. They live in a nice area but not as nice as Ian thought. We were so disappointed that we had to hang out with some of Linda's recent friends at the "oldest" yacht club in New Zealand. - not. In any event we had a fabulous time visiting at the welcoming Devenport Yacht Club with John and John. Characters and pictures to follow. Had dinner at the Portofino Restaurant - not Ian's choice but he did remark that the wine was GOOD. We spoke to Brenda and Basil today which was good. We plan to see their friends in Wellington at some point. Off to Australia in the morning. We arrive in Gold Coast at about 1:35 Australia time and it seems to be about a two hour drive to Mooloolaba which is a place that Dave and Christine recommended. They promised us that it was run by a couple of FAGS but it seems that a straight couple has now taken over. We will see. Hopefully things will be as good as when they were there. We said good bye to our new friend Hiromi, a very nice girl from Japan who we got to know a bit. People here seem to be a bit like how it was when we were kids - polite, respectful & concerned
Its freaking us out. Really missing the fingers, car horns and cutting you off when you try to line up.

Linda says to stop.




  1. Hi Linda and Ian:
    Sounds like you are having fun. Don't worry we are taking your place in the crappy Kelowna traffic. They drive like Mexicans! We are planning to head south tomorrow morning (Sunday.) It is raining here in Kelowna and it is time to move on. I had a good check-up with the rheumatologist so all is well. Turns out my current muscle aches are just "old person" ones....swell! The weather south of us is not great but no weather warnings yet. I'll post on the blog as I can. We'll leave the house as we found it (I hope!) Thanks for the hospiltality....Kathy & Eric
