Friday, December 6, 2013

Almost home!

We arrived in Vancouver at about 4:00 Wednesday afternoon to about 2 degrees. We knew what the weather was like but it was still a bit of a shock. It felt really good to be back on Canadian soil. The air was crisp, the sun was setting, Christmas lights everywhere, there's no place like home! Ian's brother Brian (Barney) picked us up, took us home, fed us beer and wine and cooked us a great meal. I slept 9 hours that night and Ian slept about 14. He stayed up later than I did and had a little more Christmas cheer.

Anyway, in the morning I got up, had breakfast, a really good cup of coffee and off I went to Christmas shop for my son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. I had so much fun shopping in familiar stores where I knew where to find things and I was by myself!  The only sour note yesterday was that we found that the gifts that I had purchased for the granddaughters as well as my camera had been stolen out of my carry on bag. Before we boarded our flight in L.A. an announcement came on asking passengers to please check their carry-ons as the flight was full and space was going to be tight in the overhead. So, I checked mine. I will never do that again. Ian has put in a claim so we shall see. But there will be no replacing the pictures. Fortunately the chip in the camera was replaced about 2 weeks ago so we will still have the previous ones.

Today I am going to stay with my son's family just for overnight and have a pre-Christmas visit with them. Ian is going to visit his son's family and then on Saturday we will visit Ian's sister Kathryn and her family. The plan is to head for Kelowna on Sunday before any nasty weather comes in. We are going to visit Ian's mom on Sunday morning and then carry on. Look forward to seeing you all!

Linda and Ian

1 comment:

  1. Dirty Bastards! You just can't trust anyone anymore. Glad to hear all is well and you are back in Canada. Give Mom a kiss for us.
