Friday, December 29, 2017

Stuck in Salem According to our helpful dealer

Well, we made it as far as Salem, Oregon our first. For the most part the roads were pretty good and we were making food time......until we go closer to Portland and then it was gridlock. Altogether it took about two hours to get into and then out of Portland. Can’t understand how people do this everyday. Anywa, we’ve been having an ongoing problem with our car over the last six months or so.  According to our helpful dealer up in Vernon there is nothing wrong with the car. Because they can not replicate the problem (which is a very distinct miss in the engine). Maybe they could if they tried but they don’t seem to like to do that. So the problem was becoming quite severe so we decided to go into the Honda dealer here in Salem. We couldn’t believe our reception. They treated us like real people and believed us and everything! Boy could the dealerships in Canada learn a thing or two from them down in the States. We’be also had good luck with them in Phoenix. Anyway, they found the problem and it will be fixed between 9:00 and 10:00 this morning. They also gave us a courtesy car to use last night. So hopefully we get away at a decent time today. And then it will be drive, drive and drive some more. We have to make up time so we don’t miss our flight to Mexico. So....wish us luck!


  1. Good luck on the rest of your trip and keeping fingers crossed that you will make Phoenix on New Years Eve. Safe travels. The Americans seem to have better customer service than the Canadians.
