Saturday, July 27, 2019

July 27th. Not sure what day it is🥴

So today’s plans changed due to delays and interruptions on the train lines. So we decided to take a ferry to an island just north of us.  Apparently they have a flea market that is the largest in the Netherlands.  We hate flea markets.  But it was something to do so off we went with thousands of other people.  So once in the lineup to pay we decided that Ian could have two beer and I could have two wine for the price.  So you can guess what we did.  We took the next ferry back and did a pub crawl instead.  We wanted to visit the “brown pubs” in the area.  In order to be called a brown pub the pub needs to be very old (maybe 100 yrs.). The bartender needs to be at least 60 yrs.old or look that old.  The walls need to be tobacco stained, the music needs to be oldies and the clientele must be eclectic.  In other words ........interesting.  So that was our day.  We also discovered the Jordaan district which was very interesting and not quite so busy.  So tomorrow we are hoping to take a train trip to Utrecht and Monday to Delft.  The temperature today was a full ten degrees cooler but still very hot and muggy.  Hoping to find cooler weather in Copenhagen.

1 comment:

  1. :-) For a wee while there this morning Linda you had me convinced the flea market was really going to it.
    We can easily do the same in Fife, rest assured x
