Friday, September 13, 2019

September 12th, Honfleur

Today we stayed home and just puttered around the place.  Got the laundry done and ran the dishwasher.  I put the dishwasher on eco. It took 2 hours and 45 minutes. I wonder what the sani cycle would take?  The washing machine took 1 hour and 30 minutes.  Apparently it also has a cycle to dry the clothes. We ran that four times . Still not dry.  So everything is spread around the house.  Should be dry before we leave. In the morning while Ian was still sleeping I decided to go for a walk away from the Old Town. I feel I’m getting pretty familiar with the area and so thought I would venture out. So after an hour of walking I figured I was lost.  I was somewhere in the middle of farmland.  So I stopped a truck driver (a driver for the food chain Aldi).  He shrugged his shoulders and pretended not to understand and drove off. He may not speak English but I’m pretty sure he understood when I said “Honfleur?” and pointed to several directions.  Anyway, behind him came an old man and his dog. He couldn’t speak English either but he understood that I was lost and wanted to go to Honfleur.  He offered to drive me.  Now I know that was the wrong thing to do but he looked like Santa Claus and had a really cute dog.  So he drove me right to my corner.  A lovely old man.
In the afternoon we just strolled around Honfleur.  It truly is one of the prettiest places we have ever been.  It rained most of the afternoon so we took refuge in a pub right down by the water.  A cruise ship had come in and dropped off a ton of tourists so the people watching was very interesting. Although I said that it had rained most of the afternoon it was a very soft, fine, warm rain. And even in the rain it was pretty. Later in the afternoon we came home and cleaned up and headed back down the hill to look for a place to have dinner.  The rain had stopped and there was even a bit of sun. We found a little restaurant just a short distance off the waterfront that wasn’t crowded.  As a matter of fact we were the only people in there to begin with.  The food was good and the prices were reasonable.  After dinner we went for another walk around the town.  By now the light was really good for picture taking. Actually couldn’t stop taking pictures.


  1. Now that was a better day...well except for getting lost! You have to trust a man if he looks like Santa Claus. One of my first Spanish words was "perdido"lost..have used it many times😂Lovely photos.

  2. I have to know if you have only 1 follower? Only Kathy seems to say anything. Is there anyone else listening in? HELLO!!! Pam xx
