Sunday, September 1, 2019

September 1st. Last day in Antwerp

First thing this morning Ian went down to the garage to make sure the opener was working and it wasn’t.  We tried manually to open the door but that wasn’t possible either.  Off we went in search of a new battery which we found not too far from our apartment. The so and so that sold us the battery charged us €4.oo.  We knew we were being skinned but we were desperate.  So we got back to the apartment, put the new battery in and it wouldn’t work.  Finally Ian emailed the owner ( we were lucky to get wifi when we needed it).  He responded quickly and said they would be in Antwerp in an hour to give us a new opener.  When they arrived they were apologetic and hoped that we weren’t too inconvenienced.  No problem we told them!  As it turned out they brought three openers and only one of them would work.  Yves was pretty ticked.  He said “these damn things cost €70 each and we are lucky if they last two years.”  I didn’t ask him if they had run them through the washing machine.🤪.  Anyway,  we now have a working door opener so we can leave in the morning.
Once again we are in the oldest pub in Antwerp.  It’s the only way I can do the blog and send and receive emails.  So now it’s time to get back to the apartment, do a final load of laundry (sans door opener) and pack up.