Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hallelujah! Communication Again.

Hi  everyone. We have not had communication for over a week. No internet cafes or phone shops. They recommend going to the phone company direct to make international calls. Good luck with that. We are so happy to have Pam with us. She even speaks English!! Sicily is very different from Portugal (and every else for that matter). Very expensive (they are charging us 90 euros for our bedding--as if we could bring our own). Our villa is quite a distance from anywhere , so we have to drive to get anywhere. Its a beautiful place but the weather is atrocious. We ve had little sun and lots of rain and wind. We thought that Pam would bring us some good weather but today has been the worst. Pouring rain all day except a little rain and snow mixed. (yes, I said snow!) Apart from that the scenery is beautiful. Really rugged coastline and turquoise water.Tomorrow we are planning a trip down to Catania and maybe a train trip to Palermo on Friday. (if its open)By the way we are 14kms. outside of Cefalu. If I ever complain about Kelowna traffic again-- slap me. The drivers here try to kill you, but Ian is getting pretty at pretending to be Sicilian. Judy, we will try you on  the web cam but the connection here is poor and the voices keep breaking up. Hope everyone is well and look forward to seeing you all. Ian is still having a bad time with his sinuses but we finally found a pharmacy that was open and the pharmacist gave him something for it. Ciao for now.


  1. This !!!!Blog is great for messages coming from You Guys but mine to You another story. I spend a half hour telling You about our exciting life then send and it does not show up.(On this end anyway) Will try one more time so let Me know if You received. Only skied Monday as weather up the hill not so good. Vince is of to Kamloops for Pig weekend so hope He has a couple brain cells left wheb he gets home. Karen is having a great time on her Bus tour. Michaelbrook last night has new menu, does not impress Me & couldn't get neer the Dart Board as a group of Youngsters got there first. So do I sound negative today??????? It is because this computer is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Maralyn is looking forward to our Sunday morning Golf when You get home. Johnny said opento a few next week. Glad You are having Fun. Am awaiting Your arrival Home. Ruth

  2. You have probably been listening to the News about the major earthquake & tsunami in Japan.
    Karens daughter Laura e-mailed her sister and all is well with their family and they are pretty sure Karen is also ok as she was in the Mt Fuji area. I understand it is almost impossible to phone or contact anyone. I will let You know once they have heard from Karen.
    Love Ruth

  3. Laura,Jeremy & Family ok. Karen e-mailed Laura and she is fine as well. Thank Heavens. See You Soon.
    Love Ruth
