Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Day in Sicily

Bona Sera! This is our last day inSicily. Woke up to rain but who cares! The forecast in Paris is 6-8 degrees but brilliant sunshine all next week. We'll see. We spent the day cleaning up, doing laundry getting rid of garbage (and we didn't throw it on the beach or street). We tried to go for dinner at the Trattoria that we enjoyed so much yesterday but it was closed. Pam was told that it was open all day. A miscommunication I guess. Anyway we had enough leftovers here to put together a dinner. We've had a good day chatting with Pam and planning a possible day trip to Edinburgh with Leslie and Pam. So,we are off for an early night tonight because we have an early start tomorrow. Up at 6:00 (haven't done that for awhile) on the road by 7:30. It's about a two hour drive to Tavira. We should be in Paris at about 2:00pm. Walking on the Champs Elysee shortly thereafter. Arreviderci everyone! Talk to you soon. Linda


  1. Hi Ian & Linda; hope you are a little warmer and have left the rain behind. It's getting ready to snow here and we can't feel spring yet. Everyone is well here. Will comment again after we have the gang for dinner on Thursday. Hope Paris is everything you are looking for. Have a great time! Judy.....

  2. This comment is being posted on Ian and Linda's behalf:
    Received a call from them this am. They are in Paris now and having a WONDERFUL time. It sounds like they are loving it. They are having a hard time tracking down a place to up date the blog and make calls so wanted everyone to know that when they get to Scotland they will be updating the Blog at that point. I think that will be sometime this coming week. The call was short but happy so the sun must be shining on Paris.
