Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Last Day in Portugal

Hello again. Well  this is it! Time has just flown by. Good thing I went for a walk all over town on Saturday because on Sunday the monsoons arrived. It blew and rained just like it did when we arrived except that it was much warmer. We used the day doing laundry and saying boodbye to people we wouldn't be seeing again. We went out to a place called Os Compadres for another tradional dinner. This time we had a dish called cataplana that had been recommended to us by several people. It was delicious!  Basically it's a fish or fish and meat stew. When I get home I'm going to have google it. Our neighbours, Peter and Brenda may have to call their holiday short because Brenda has hurt her back and can hardly move. Later today we are going to take her to the emergency to see if they can help her. They still have six weeks of holiday paid for so it would be a shame. Today we have had more rain but the sun is trying to come out and the temp. is quite warm. Ian thinks he is coming down with a cold so we are off to the pharmacy to see if we can get something to give him some relief. We are off to bed really early tonight as we have to be up around 5:30 in order to get the car back to the airport and catch a taxi to the bus depot. Anyway, that's it for now. Talk to you when we get settled in Sicily and find an internet shop. When Pam arrives she will have her laptop which will make a huge difference. We have decided to purchase one when we get home. Maybe even a cell phone. We feel like dinosaurs here. Even the old folks (older than us) have all the gizmos. Adios!!


  1. Hi Ian & Linda:
    Good to see things are going better for you. We just got back from two weeks farther south(as far as La Manzanilla. Couldn't take the laptop on the motorcycle so I will update the blog over the next week. We had a cell phone to collect emails but no way to send (maybe we need a Blackberry!) Take care and have fun.
    Kathy & Eric

  2. Hope you are still enjoying the warmth. I went to babysit
    in Richmond on the 6th while kids Iain and Sharon) went to Los Vegas.After babysitting came back in a storm
    on the 12th. On the 5th we were at a good bye for a friend on the island and John ,
    it turns out had low blood pressure (which we didn't know at the time)so the
    ambulance was was called and we spent from 4 pm until 9 pm at the hospital.
    I couldn't leave, dog, Islay and John for the week by themselves so I had to get a
    babysitter for Islay quickly, which we managed to do. Nice to be back home
    even if the weather is horrid. David Tycho was on CBC Sunday morning and I listened. This is the whole show and he comes on about 7:30 am until 8. we visited your Mum in new Westminster when we were in Richmond. She seems physically well but asked me how my Mum was twice. Heather

  3. Karen says Hi . She cannot send it Herself as all instructions in Chinese. The Pictures She has sent on Shutter Fly have changed My mind about Japan so after Alaska it is definately on My list. Have had a great winter & walked most every day. Vince & I still enjoying Skiing but not today as it is snowing. Vince is watching the Brier as I type. Michaelbrook News: Paulette & Carl are back from P.V. and as black as the Mexicans. Santhy & Les had a good Holiday but no tans. Brenda & Basil leave in a week & I think Brenda is ready for a rest from the Little Girls. Had them over the past Saturday and a few others and We played Darts, Slow Bak( MY Spelling) & Cards. I stayed up until 2 oclock, can You believe it? Brenda was so proud of Me.
    Les had his Knee operation so only time I have seen Jane was at the Hospital when We went to say Hi. He was in the Hospital for 3 days & recouping at Home now. Bye for now Hurry Home. When exactly do You arrive in Kelowna & do You need a ride???
