Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hi again. Well last night we finally got our tradional Portuguese dinner and it was worth waiting for. All the flavours here are really nice but nothing overpowering.Half litre of wine and a pint of beer included in the price. You've got to like that. When we came out of the restaraunt a storm had hit us. It was thundering and lightning and pouring with rain so what could we do but duck in some place to get out of the weather. Just so happens that it was karoske night at Fat Cat's. Lots of fun, good music and more wine and beer. We didn't get home until 1:00  Tonight we are supposed to meet some of our new friends at Angelu's for Christmas Eve. They do theme nights every so often. I don't know if we'll make it. I'm up for it but Ian's moving a little slow today Oh well, tomorrow is another day.Only 2 days left so will post on the blog on Monday but will be travelling to Spain by bus on Tuesday and flying to Sicily on Wednesday. So it will be a few days probably before I find myself another shop. Talk to you all soon. Linda

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