Thursday, March 10, 2011

Back in Bonnie Scotland!!

Hello again! Well, so much for all the internet cafes in Paris. Although there is internet available everywhere they seem to expect you to have your own computer. And when they heard we didn't even have a cell phone!! I think they thought we were from another era. Oh yeah, I guess we are. Anyway, I can't say enough about Paris. From the minute the plane landed we felt that we were back in a civilized country. Ian said that he felt as if he just had a shower. The airport was clean, the bus was clean, the highways were clean, the sun was shining and people were friendly and polite. We got to our studio apartment and met with Jannick (our landlady). She was very friendly and full of advice, She had a book in the apartment that had information on everything that you could possibly want to know. There was a bus stop right in front of the apt., a ticket office half a block away, pubs, restaurants, metro and a wonderful outdoor market just around the corner. Our first afternoon we took a walk up to the Arc de Triomphe for some pictures and then through the market. Of course, our very first stop was a lovely pub just up the street. Ian was just dying for a pint. He ordered 2 pints and then the bartender pointed to a free table and tolds us to sit down and they would bring us our beer. When he put the beer in front of us the bill was there as well. Ian looked at the bill and said "6 euros--that's not so bad." He didn't have his glasses on. Unfortunately the bill was 16 euros. I wish I had the camera on his face when he heard that. It turns out that it's somewhat cheaper if you drink standing at the bar. The bartender nicknamed Ian Mr. Bigga Bigga. I thought it was pretty rude but after Ian got over his shock he found it quite funny. However we did not go back to that pub. The next pub we tried was much better. We made lots of new friends there and funnily enough the bill got to be less each time we went. I guess the locals get a better rate. We have always heard how expensive Paris is--and it is, but it can be done fairly reasonably. We took a page out of Ruth and Vince's book and stayed in the same place and used the market to feed ourselves most of the time. The fresh baguettes that everyone eats are delicious and reasonably priced. We went out for dinner twice for a treat. Our week in Paris was very full. We walked the Champs Elysee, which was amazing, went to the Eiffel Tower, also amazing, Invalides, where Napolean's tomb is , visited Luxembourgh and Tuilleries gardens, Notre Dame, the Grand and Petite Palaces , Sacre Coeur and so many other places. We walked our feet off. We also used the Metro which is so easy and efficient. Our last couple of days were some what slower because, for one thing, we were getting tired and for another we found we were getting overloaded. You can only take in so much. Anyway, I think Paris is somewhere everyone should visit if they can. In one week we only scratched the surface. We hope that we can go again some day. We will have lots of stories to tell when we get home. Paris is full of wonderful sights, interesting people as well as beggars, gypsies, pickpockets and scam artists. We met a few (hence a few stories). Although we had blue skies and sunshine every day that we were in Paris it was very cold. Everyone wore winter coats, hats, gloves and boots. I envied those women who could afford fur coats. Anyway we survived and had a wonderful time. And wouldn't you know, on our last day the temperature peaked at a lovely 22 degrees! On Tuesday, the 8th, we flew to Edinburgh, Scotland. Our flight arrived at about 9:40. It was dark, raining and blowing a gale. We knew that we were back in Scotland. We have never flown into Edinburgh before and we did not have a map so it was an interesting drive to Leslie's. But we finally made it and were happy to see Leslie again. It felt like coming home. Yesterday we reaquainted ourselves with St. Andrews again--ie. shopping at Tescos and a pint at the Central pub. We went for dinner last night at the Dairsie pub (fish and chips of course) with Les. Tomorrow night Leslie's son Leslie junior is arriving from Glasgow to spend the weekend with us. We'll start with Indian dinner in Cupar and then maybe ?? a day in Edinburgh. Anyway, I'm happy to be in touch again and will post regularly. Talk soon. Linda


  1. So glad You liked Paris. I just knew You would.
    We went to Michaelbrook last night for wings although tasty were 90 percent batter which I
    kept picking of and Vince kept eating. The menu has been changed to a one pager api's on one side & burgers etc on other. Not very impressive.
    We had a side salad which wasn't bad but who can't make a salad? Vince is off to Kamloops today for his Pigs On Tour weekend. Not much else new as just updated yesterday.

  2. We are happy you liked paris and are back in Scotland where it felt like home.Hoping you have a good visit
    Cam and Mandi

    We miss you and can't wait to see you again
    love Owen and Elizabeth
