Sunday, March 27, 2011

We're finally home!!

Hi everyone! Home at last. I tried blogging when we were in London but the computer I was on crashed and I didn't have time to start all over again. We got off to a rocky start in London.  On the first morning we got up early to head off for the British museum and just as we were getting ready to have breakfast the pipes under the kitchen sink burst. Water was pouring everywhere. Ian was screaming, Linda was screaming, it was chaos! We couldn't find the shut-off valve. Of course it wasn't under the sink. I went tearing around the building in search of someone to help. The only person I found was a young school teacher who was just getting ready to head out for work. She didn't know where the valve was either but she kindly stayed with us until she found a plumber that would come. You wouldn't believe how many would not come for one reason or another. Anyway we had to bail water for three and a half hours until finally the plumber arrived. Once he fixed the pipe and we cleaned up as best we could we headed off to the pub for a well-deserved drink. It was too late in the day to do anything else. The rest of the week went pretty well. The sun shone every day, it was warm and we saw lots of things. We also met up with Jimmy and Grace at Victoria station for a drink. It was nice to see them again and catch up on the news. Had to  get up on Thursday morning at 4:30 to catch the underground and then the train to get to Gatwick airport. The transportation system there is amazing. It was a 9 and a half hour flight home so we were zonked by the time we arrived in Canada. We are so happy to be here I can't tell you. We are staying with David and Chiyoko in Vancouver until Tuesday and then flying home to Kelowna. Hopefully I will see some of you on the golf course Tuesday afternoon. Cheers!

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