Saturday, March 12, 2011

Looks Like Christmas in Scotland!

Hello again. The last three days we have woken up to sunshine, lots of wind and pretty cold temperatures but this morning I took a look out the window and it was snowing. Spring seems a long way away. Yesterday Leslie, Ian and I drove into Dundee to shop, have lunch and pay a visit to a place that sells Tom Tom navigational systems. The other day Ian ordered the map of the U.K from Tom Tom but could not get it downloaded. Both he and Leslie worked on it for two days. Unfortunately there is no way to communicate with them if you have a problem. No phone number and no response to e-mails. So the salesman was able to provide Ian with a help number and finally last night he got it downloaded. We are driving down to London next week and just couldn't face the prospect of it without the aid of GPS. Little (not so little) Leslie arrived yesterday evening from Glasgow where he is attending the university. The four of us took a taxi into Cupar for a wonderful Indian dinner. Afterwards we finished the evening off with a nightcap at the Dairsie pub. Feels quite like home to Ian and I. This morning we are taking the train into Edinburgh to meet up with Pam for a day of browsing around and lunch at a place called the Dome. Leslie won't tell us much about it but it is supposed to be something quite unique. I'm looking forward to it and will tell you all about it when we get back. Talk to you later.

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