Sunday, March 13, 2011

Last day with the two Leslies.

Well, we had a great day yesterday in Edinburgh. The train trip took about an hour. There was snow most of the way, but by the time we got into Waverly station it was raining. Really cold too. The wind was just biting so what could we do while waiting for Pam but hit the pub. Pam arrived about a half hour after us and then we headed for the Dome which was well worth the trip. The Dome is in the building that used to be the Royal Bank of Scotland. Beautiful stained glass windows, lots of marble archways, fabulous food and waiters in tuxedos! Our waiter was from Prince Edward Island!! After stuffing ourselves we did a pub crawl  along Rose street (lots of really neat pubs). Before heading back to the train station Pam and Leslie junior located the Oxford pub for me where we had a couple of drinks. The Oxford is the pub  frequented by John Rebus in books and T.V. series written by Ian Rankin. In real life Ian Rankin does go to this pub and apparently holds all his interviews there. The bartender was kind enough to give us some postcards. We had our final nightcap at the pub in the train station where we said goodbye to Pam and then caught the 9:00 train home. Funnily enough I fell asleep on the way home. Today Ian and I are going into St. Andrews for a final tour around and then tomorrow we head off to see Pam in Carlyle. The plan of the moment is to go to Chester, which is on the border between England and Wales, on Tuesday. According to Pam it's as nice or nicer than York and I love York. Thursday we begin our stay in London. Really looking forward to that. While there we intend on seeing Mike Warner. It will be good to see him. That's it for now. Talk soon!


  1. Hi Folks
    We have been following your blog and would you believe it we are also going to London on Thursday!! We will have to meet up if you have time, we return to Glasgow on Tuesday 22nd.I will give you Jimmys mobile number and phone or text sometime please and let us know your plans.
    Love Jimmy and Grace xx 07900925245

  2. Hi Ian and Linda - have really enjoyed following our adventures on the blog. When you get to London and see Michael and Clair give them a big hug from me. My trip is booked to see them leaving here on May 19. Hope you are both well and see you soon xoxoxo Karen
