Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Last Supper

So, today is Brenda and Basil’s departure day. They will be leaving for the airport at about 11:00 this morning. It’s a beautiful day here. Apparently not so much in Kelowna. They have spent the last couple of days on the beach soaking up sun and margaritas. We went down to Torres for dinner the other night where Brenda finally got her craving for fajitas met. It’s surprising how few restaurants had them on their menus. Anyway, she said they were delicious. Ian had the same and Basil and I had the ribs. The best part about Torres is location. The restaurant is in a palapa right on the beach. And we had an amazing sunset. It’s too bad that Torres is a time share because it would be a wonderful place to stay. Because it is a time share people tend to come for only a week or two. And they behave as if they have a limited time. It was a lot of fun watching half naked people trying to stay on their barstools or negotiating a path to the bathroom.  Friday night was also karaoke night. We only got to listen to a couple of people but just before we left a woman got up and sang a Janice Joplin song. I’ve never heard anyone attempt that before but she was really good.
When we got home we had another round of hand and foot. Ian and Basil cleaned our clocks once again. Brenda and I have not had very good luck lately. We played again last night with the same results. So after the game we chucked the cards in the garbage. I’m sure they were faulty!
We had Eric and Kathy over last night as well to have our last dinner with Brenda and Basil. A good time was had by all.
After Brenda and Basil head for the airport Ian and I are going to take a trip over to Stone Island. It’s supposed to have beautiful beaches and good restaurants. Tomorrow Kathy and I are going jewelry shopping. Ian bought me some beautiful gold earrings (gold and white gold) and I would like to get a chain as well. Kathy has a trusted jeweller that she frequents so that is where I got the earrings. It’s hard to know where to start in the store. Everything is lovely.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Brenda and Basil Bren

We’ve had a very busy week with Brenda and Basil si I have neglected the blog. Thought I had better update it before I forget.
The first night they arrived, which was Wednesday the 17th of January, we just popped down to the Last Drop for a pizza dinner. We had intentions of trying the Torres restaurant but got carried away (how unusual) and seeing as how we weren’t sure of where it was we opted for the Drop. Of course we started off with a late night, which included phone calls all over the world. Pretty slow day the next day. The following day Brenda and I went to Walmart for grocery shopping. (Very exciting) Brenda got her first ride in a Pulmonia.  We ate dinner in that night and the next. Then we gave the Bruha a second chance. Brenda seemed to like her dinner but Ian and I were disappointed again. The attraction with the Bruha is the location. It’s right on the beach and the sunsets are incredible. And for us it’s a fifteen minute walk or a three minute taxi ride. Oh, forgot to mention that on the Thursday night I took Brenda to bingo with Kathy and her friends down once more to the Last Drop. None of us won but it was a fun evening.
Brenda came with a list of eating places to try. The list was supplied by her friend Sue Dulik and it pretty much matched the ones we had been told about. So the other night we went to the Villa Italia and it was wonderful. We all really enjoyed our meals and once again the service and atmosphere was just great. There followed a couple of cloudy, windy cool days. So Brenda and I went off to the Liverpool Mall. It has a reputation for being very expensive but we managed to find some really good sales. Brenda got two bathing suits ( both under $35) and I got one. Then the hunt for shoes. Once again Brenda got two pairs and I got one. We both bought sweaters at H&M. And we needed them over the next couple of days.Brenda got two and I got one. I think I’m seeing a pattern here.
Anyway, last night Brenda and I took a taxi into Old Town to theMercado. Brenda wanted to purchase a couple of gifts.  And then we met up with Eric, Kathy, Ian and Basil for dinner at Topolo’s.  That place will be in my dreams for some time. It was just the best restaurant we’ve been to for a very long time. Ian thinks it may be the best meal he has ever had. He had one of their platters which included stuffed poblano peppers. Yum! I had fresh tuna as did Eric and Kathy. Delicious! Basil had salmon and Brenda had Tequila shrimp. We all came home full and happy. We came home in a pulmonia. The ride was exciting to say the least. Basil says someone else gets the front seat next time. Poor Bas......he thought it was his end. I must say I was happy to get my feet on the ground.
So today our sunshine is back. The weather report for the next week at least looks good. And that’s all we care about as B&B leave on Sunday and we leave on Wednesday the 31st. We have so far really enjoyed our visit to Mazatlan. B&B agree. They have had a good time as well. Well, off to the beach!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sea Turtles on the beach!

The other morning while I was taking my morning walk along the beach I saw a man from the Sea Turtle Rescue team talking to a woman and her two children just at the edge of the water. So I stopped to see what was going on. There was a newly hatched turtle trying to make it into the water but every time it got in it was washed back up on the beach by the next wave. So this man showed us how to pick it up and place it in the ocean. They do not encourage people to pick them up at all really because most people pick them up between two fingers which can damage them and also people carry germs on their hands as well as sunblock,etc. But if you are going to pick them up you should scoop the sand well under them and gently place them out in the water. So a little further along the beach I found another turtle that at first I thought was dead. But it was still alive, just exhausted. So three times I tried to get it into the water but it just kept getting washed onto the shore. I eventually left it where it was. I guess Mother Nature knows best. On my way back home I saw the same rescuer  on the beach with quite a large crowd gathered. This is where a nest of turtles had just hatched and these poor little buggers were trying to get to the ocean. A big job for newborns. People were making paths in the sand to make it easier for them to travel. It was a very cool experience to watch these turtles. Apparently we have six to eight nests along our beach here that will be hatching over the next few days. Hopefully I see it again and this time with my camera.
The other evening we had Eric and Kathy over for dinner. Thought it was time to pay them back for hosting us and driving us around. Anyway, we have a lovely rooftop patio that we hadn’t used until then. I think it was Eric’s idea to go up and what a good idea it was. It’s a lovely spot to sit and watch the sun go down. We had a couple of cervesas and did just that. Had a nice evening together.
Eric an Kathy are picking us up today to take us up to a little town called El Quelite for lunch so we are looking forward to that.
Brenda and Basil arrive on Wednesday. Looking forward to that as well.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Plays and other fun things

On Sunday, the 7th of January, I went with Kathy and her friend Ruth to a play down in Old Town. It took place in the Angela Peralta Theatre, which is a very old, beautiful theatre. It was a one man show called Hard Travelin with Woody Guthrie. It was all about how tough life was for the miners and farmers during the Oklahoma dust bowl years. It was very well done! After the play we went to a little restaurant across the plaza from the theatre to have a bite to eat and a drink. We all had tortilla soup. Yum. While we were waiting to be served I noticed a couple looking around trying to decide whether or not to come in. I knew immediately that I knew her from somewhere. So when they were seated at the next table to us I leaned over and asked them if they were from Kelowna. They were very surprised and said yes, they were. It turns out she was Diane Silk, a teacher from Anne McClymont school. It took her a few moments to figure out who I was but then the light went on. She is best friends with Anne Loerke, whose classroom I worked in. Small world.
On Monday, Ian and I took the bus into Old Town with the intention of going to the Marcado. We never did get into the market. We headed for the beach and happened to find the condos where Georgina will be staying the last two weeks of March. We think she will be very happy there. The condos look lovely and they are right across the street from the malacon and the ocean. The street is lined with all kinds of eateries and bars. It’s a short walk to Old Town and the Market. After spending the afternoon there we took the bus right to the end of Cerritos (just down the street from our condo) where we had pizza and cervesas at the Last Drop. This is also where we women go to play bingo. At any rate, they also have karaoke on Mondays. So we stayed to watch the action. There was a couple of singers that were actually pretty good, but overall I would say that the majority of them were just awful. I don’t know how people can convince themselves that they are good when they are that bad. I know that alcohol was involved but still! And I have some of it on video. Anyway, we met some more really nice Canadians (are there any other kind?).  Tuesday was a somewhat laid back day. Wednesday was ladies luncheon again. So off we went to a place called Dolce Momma’s. it was pretty good food with fabulous desserts. Kathy shared her blueberry cheesecake with us. It was very good. Eric and Ian spent the day together. They went to the marina for lunch and then something wonderful happened! They found some Danish butter for me. I guess it costs the earth but the Mexican butter is, as far as I’m concerned, inedible. So I’m a happy girl. Today is Thursday again so that means bingo tonight.
We have just heard from our good friends Brenda and Basil. They have booked a flight to come down and join us here in Mazatlan. They arrive next Wednesday and will return home on the 28th of January. We are really looking forward to their company, and guess what? She is bringing us good old Canadian butter! Anyway I’m off for my morning walk on the beach. And then we are going to Walmart for more grocery shopping.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Settling in.

We’ve had three full days here now and are getting to know our way around a bit, although we haven’t ventured too far from home. Tuesday Eric and Kathy took us grocery shopping. It was a bit of an experience. It’s going to take a while to figure out what everything is and what brand to buy. Kathy was a big help . A big thing here is where to buy things like butter, cheese, bread and coffee. The Mexican brands are not so good. Ian and I are going in to shop for those items today. We are down to about a tablespoon of butter. I’m also out of wine and the small convenience stores near to us  only sell beer. YIKES!😱 On Wednesday I joined Kathy and friends for their weekly luncheon. They choose a different restaurant each week. This week was a place called Lucky Bees. It turns out that it stands for Lucky Bastards. At any rate it was a great place. The food was fantastic and the service was excellent. There were two tables of us. Twenty women and our waiter had all of our names memorized before lunch was served.
While we were enjoying our lunch Eric and Ian went to get my phone activated. After waiting in a long lineup they were informed that my phone was still locked. So I wonder what the guy from Bell was doing all that time I was on the phone with him. After an hour he assured me it was unlocked. Oh well, it’s unlocked now and all is good.
Yesterday(Thursday) was a quiet day for Ian and I. We walked the beach and then just sat on beach chairs and enjoyed a few Pacifico’s. In the evening I went to bingo with Kathy and the girl’s. It was a lot of fun and I even won a game. Kathy won two, one of which was the final blackout. Big money! Not as much fun as darts but still a nice way to spend a couple of hours.
So I’m off for my morning walk now. Ola.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

We’re Here!

We finally made it to Mazatlan. We didn’t get out of Salem until 11:40 so it was another long day’s driving. Fortunately we made it over the mountains and through the pass without even a trace of snow. Temperatures made it up to 19 degrees in some places. We got into a little place called Galt which  is not too far south of Sacramento. Stayed at the Best Western ($84.00) and went to a really nice pub/grill for some lovely beers and wine. Another long haul the following good except for lots of smoke and smog. Traffic was horrific from well north of LA all the way to Palm Springs. They had jacked up the hotel prices in anticipation of New Year’s Eve. We stopped at the Comfort Inn and they wanted $199.00 plus taxes so we went next door to the Motel 6. Just an absolute dive and they wanted $104.00 plus taxes. That’s what we paid at the Red Lion in Salem and it was lovely. Fully equipped and a really good hot breakfast. Anyway, at the Motel6 we did not get a microwave, fridge, coffee pot, kettle, tea, coffee, hair dryer or even shampoo. Thank you Motel 6!
The following day was a much better experience. We stayed at another Red Lion (recommended by Judy.......thank you Judy). We were upgraded to a suite, which was lovely. The following morning our shuttle bus driver didn’t show up (perhaps one too many New Year’s cocktails). So the hotel called a cab. He got us to the airport on time but the cab was so filthy that I felt as though I needed a shower after I got out.
Our flight landed on time and Kathy and Eric were there to greet us. They brought us to our resort to drop off luggage and then back to their place for Happy Hour and a lovely Mexican dinner. Kathy made enchiladas, Mexican rice and a lovely salad. What a great start to our trip. So off we go to grocery shop this morning. I think in the afternoon I will be playing cards with Kathy and some of her friends. Sounds like a good day to me.