Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Scenes from Jonkoping

We took a drive to Jonkoping today.  Lovely city......not too big and not too small. The weather started out fine but soon the thunder and lightening and rain came.  Did a little window shopping.  YIKES! And then went to Dirty Dick’s for a beer.  Dirty Dick charged us $10.00 Canadian each for a beer.  Cute bar but???   So we left our car about a kilometre away from the bar and got caught in the storm.  My hair looks great!  Not!!!  Then on our way back to our hotel we stopped in Luttra for pictures.  I guess Ian’s grandfathers house is gone but we got some good pictures anyway.  The second storm hit when we were wandering around Luttra.  Hard to believe that a week ago we were dying of heat.

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